Gay pride symbol fist

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He created the overall design of the Black Panther, the Party’s weekly newspaper, and oversaw its layout and production until the Black Panthers disbanded in 1979–80. Tommie Smith stated in his autobiography that he saw it as a “human rights salute”, as a form of protest against ongoing racism and injustice in the United States and throughout the world.Įmory Douglas was the Artist of the Black Panther Party. In 1968 the fist really became associated with the black power movement during the Summer Olympics in Mexico City, medal winners John Carlos and Tommie Smith gave the raised fist salute during the American national anthem. The Black Panther Party helped mainstream the clenched fist in American culture, especially among radical black nationalists and civil rights activists as the “Black Power salute.” 1960s The Black Panther Party also the clenched fist salute which was repeatedly used as a symbol of black liberation.

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